Registration/Payment Dates Summer & Fall 2025

Information on Available Financial Assistance


AVAILABLE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE - Vernon College (VC) participates in several Federal, State, private and institutional student financial assistance programs. These programs include both need-based and non-need-based programs. For determination of need-based Federal or State Financial Aid eligibility, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be completed annually. A formula is applied to the information provided by the student on the FAFSA. Congress established this formula, which determines the student's financial need. The formula result is called the Student Aid Index (SAI) and is produced on the FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS). Once the financial aid office receives the FSS, the financial aid office will then request from and/or provide the student with any additional required forms. The SAI is an eligibility index number used to determine how much federal student aid a student can receive. In order to qualify for need-based financial assistance the student must have financial need. Financial need is defined as the difference between the student's cost of attendance (determined by the Director of Financial Aid and the basic components consist of an average cost for tuition and fees, food and housing, books and supplies, transportation, personal and miscellaneous expenses, federal loan fees, and professional licensure, certification, or credential costs for academic programs leading to a professional licensure, certification, or credential) and the student's SAI, Pell Grant eligibility and aid from other sources. Students who do not have financial need do not qualify for need-based financial assistance.

The financial aid programs available at VC are administered according to the laws and guidelines of each program. Essentially, eligibility requirements are the same for all Federal and State financial aid programs. Recipients of financial assistance must:

  1. Be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen and have a valid social security number; 
  2. Have a high school diploma or GED certificate; 
  3. Be enrolled or plan to enroll at least part-time as a regular student in an eligible program. The Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, and Federal Work-study programs will permit eligible students to enroll less than half time and still qualify for assistance;

  4. Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment for the purpose of obtaining a degree or certificate;
  5. Maintain satisfactory academic progress in a course of study;
  6. Not be in default on any loan or owe a refund on any grant made under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, at any institution;

The U.S. Department of Education frequently changes regulations pertaining to financial aid. Since VC attempts to comply with all legislative mandates and federal regulations, the financial aid office reserves the right to make policy and procedure changes during the award year. If changes occur, they will be posted in the Financial Aid Office.

Verification Information - VC verifies the applicants identified by the Department of Education. In addition, financial aid staff may select a student for verification if a discrepancy or condition which is unusual warrants investigation. A status letter is sent to the student requesting the appropriate verification documents. An applicant selected for verification must complete the process within the deadlines published in the Federal Register. The financial aid office must have received an official Student Aid Index (SAI) from FAFSA Processing System (FPS) during the student's period of enrollment. To allow time for accurate processing, the student must provide any requested documents prior to the deadline. If the student does not complete verification by the deadline. he or she forfeits financial aid for the award year. The FAO has the authority to withhold disbursement of any FSA funds until the student completes the required verification. Acceptable documentation and forms are as follows:

  • Verification Worksheet
  • Tax return transcript(s) or tax return(s)
  • Verification of unusual enrollment history worksheet
  • Verification of identity and statement of educational purpose worksheet
  • Verification of non-filing letter

If at any time the VC financial aid staff determine that additional documentation is necessary to verify the accuracy of the verification information or to resolve conflicting data, the staff will request additional documentation. With the exception of the tax transcript, signatures are required on all documents. Corrections are sent by the student or VC financial aid staff. If by financial aid staff, corrections are submitted via Financial Aid Access. Students are notified of the results of verification by receipt of an offer notification email to their VC student email account directing the student to their MyVC to retrieve their financial aid eligibility. Timeframe of notification will be based on when the student submits the verification documents. Once submitted, applications are processed in date order received. 

VC participates in the following Federal and State financial assistance programs:

PELL GRANT - The Federal Pell Grant is a federal program for undergraduate students obtaining their first bachelor’s degree and is designed to provide eligible students with a foundation of aid to help defray the cost of education. It is always the first program considered for each applicant. Although the Financial Aid Office determines the amount of each student’s Pell Grant, eligibility is determined on the basis of a formula developed by the U.S. Department of Education. The Pell Grant amount depends on the student’s Student Aid Index (SAI), the cost of attendance at VC and the number of hours for which the student is enrolled (full-time, three-quarter time, half-time, less than half-time). A student may be ineligible for a Federal Pell Grant; however, he or she may qualify for other financial assistance. The Federal Pell Grant is to be used solely for educational purposes, which includes tuition, fees, food and housing, books, supplies, transportation, personal and miscellaneous expenses, federal loan fees, and professional licensure, certification, or credential costs for academic programs leading to a professional licensure, certification, or credential. In order to receive a Pell Grant, the Department of Education must have processed a valid FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) (which is the result of filing the FAFSA form) with an official SAI while an eligible student is enrolled for the award year. Verification documents (if applicable) must be received and be accurate no later than 120 days after the last day of enrollment or the Department of Education’s published deadline, whichever is earlier. A student’s duration of Pell eligibility is limited to the equivalent of 12 full-time semesters. 

FEDERAL SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GRANT (FSEOG) - The FSEOG is offered to undergraduate students with the lowest SAI who are also receiving Federal Pell Grants and have financial need greater than the amount of the grant. Amounts are based on the student’s enrollment and are made in accordance with program regulations in date order based on the student's validation complete date until the allocation is depleted. Recipients can be enrolled halftime. 

TEXAS PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL GRANT PROGRAM (TPEG) -The TPEG program is funded from tuition paid by credit students attending VC.  The applicant must be enrolled at least half-time during the term or terms for which the grant is offered and have financial need greater than the amount of the grant. Amounts are based on the student's enrollment and are made in accordance with program regulations in date order based on the student's validation complete date until the allocation is depleted.   

TEXAS EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GRANT (TEOG) -The TEOG Grant is offered to Texas residents who are enrolled at least half-time. Recipients must meet the following eligibility requirements: have financial need and have an SAI that is below the cap as defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordination Board; are registered with selective service (if required); and have not been convicted of a felony or crime involving a controlled substance. Initial recipients must be enrolled in the first 30 hours of an associate's degree or certificate program and must meet Vernon College's satisfactory academic progress standards. Preference for initial recipients is given to recent high school graduates who earn a Distinguished Level of Achievement under the Foundation program in date order based on the student's validation complete date until the allocation is depleted. To receive a renewal offer through the TEOG program, a student must be enrolled at least half-time as a student who previously received a TEOG offer, and not have been granted an associate's degree or baccalaureate degree. Continuing renewal eligibility requires the student to have a financial aid cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher and a 75% successful completion rate in his or her most recent academic year. The maximum time-frame for receiving the grant is the first of: 4 years from the start of the semester in which the student received the first offer through the program; 75 semester credit hours attempted while receiving the grant; or completion of an associate degree.  The maximum TEOG Grant is determined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

COLLEGE WORK-STUDY EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMS - Both the Federal and State College Work-Study Programs provide jobs on campus for undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need who must or prefer to work while in school in order to meet their educational expenses. Work hours are flexible and generally fit the student's class schedule. Students are paid at least the prevailing minimum wage twice monthly. Each work-study student is offered an amount that cannot be exceeded. Once the student's work-study amount is earned, employment is terminated. Employment through the College Work-Study Program does not make the student eligible for unemployment compensation when the job is terminated and/or the school term ends. Students in the state work study program must be enrolled at least half-time. Students offered work-study who wish to accept the offer should contact the Financial Aid Office to complete the work-study questionnaire, to receive assistance in placing the student in a position, and directing the student to the HR office for on-boarding paperwork. Job notices are posted in the financial aid office and on the VC financial aid homepage. The student is responsible for scheduling interviews with supervisors of jobs in which they are interested.

William D. Ford Federal Direct Student Loan Program (Direct) - The William D. Ford Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan is a fixed interest rate loan made to a student who is enrolled half-time in an eligible program. The lender is the U.S. Department of Education. Repayment begins six months after a student leaves school or drops below half-time enrollment. The subsidized loan is a need-based program and the government pays the interest while the student is enrolled at least half-time. The subsidized loan is the best, first choice for students looking to borrow money for their education. Unsubsidized loans are not need based; therefore, students are not required to demonstrate financial need. Interest accrues on an unsubsidized loan from the time it is first paid out. Before the loan enters repayment, the student will receive a repayment schedule which outlines the total principal, amount of interest expected to accrue over the life of the loan, monthly payment amount and the date the payment is due. With the standard repayment plan the maximum repayment is ten years and the minimum payment will be at least $50.00 per month but may be higher, depending on the outstanding balance. For example: Student borrows $3,000 the first year, $4,500 the second year for a total of $7,500. This student will pay approximately $75.00 per month for 120 months on a regular ten-year repayment plan. Extended, graduated, income contingent and income-based repayment plans are also available repayment options. Repayment of the principal balance may be postponed through different types of deferments or a forbearance. Student loans must be repaid. Failure to do so will result in severe consequences. If a student fails to repay their student loan, the student will be referred to the Federal Government for collection. Students can find information and guidance to help them understand how to manage their student loan debt and repay their loans at

A dependent student can borrow combined subsidized and unsubsidized loans not to exceed the annual loan limits. The loan limits are $3,500 per year for freshmen and $4,500 per year for sophomores. Independent students may borrow additional unsubsidized loans not to exceed $6,000. Dependent students may borrow additional unsubsidized loans to exceed $2,000. The actual amount the student is eligible to borrow is determined by the financial aid office and may be less than the maximum amount. There are also aggregate limits on the total amount a student can borrow. For loan purposes, a student's classification will be determined by the number of hours completed towards his or her selected degree or certificate at the time of initial certification. A student's classification will not be reevaluated until the beginning of the next academic year (fall through summer). A student who transfers in the middle of an academic year and has received his or her annual loan limit while at the transfer institution will not be eligible for a loan until the beginning of the next academic year. In accordance with federal regulations, VC has the right to refuse to certify a loan or to certify for a reduced amount.

Federal regulations require that students interested in the loan program must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and provide the Financial Aid Office any other requested documentation. Interested students may accept or decrease their offered student loan amounts via the on-line acceptance feature that is available thru MyVC. Once accepted, students must complete entrance loan counseling and the Master Promissory Note process that is available at Only first-year, First-time borrowers are required to complete entrance counseling. Exit loan counseling and testing are required before the student ceases at-least-half-time enrollment. Once the student completes entrance counseling, exit counseling and /or the MPN process, confirmation is sent to the VC Financial Aid Office. A school must ensure that exit counseling is conducted with each Direct Loan borrower either in person, by audiovisual presentation, or by interactive electronic means. In each case, the school must ensure that this counseling is conducted shortly before the student borrower ceases at least half-time study at the school, and that an individual with expertise in the title IV programs is reasonably available shortly after the counseling to answer the student borrower's questions. As an alternative, in the case of a student borrower enrolled in a correspondence program written counseling materials may be provided by mail within 30 days after the student borrower completes the program. If a student borrower withdraws from school without the school's prior knowledge or fails to complete an exit counseling session as required, the school must ensure that exit counseling is provided through either interactive electronic means or by mailing written counseling materials to the student borrower at the student borrower's last known address within 30 days after learning that the student borrower has withdrawn from school or failed to complete the exit counseling as required. The exit counseling must inform the student borrower of the average anticipated monthly repayment amount based on the student borrower's indebtedness or on the average indebtedness of student borrowers who have obtained Direct loans, PLUS Loans, or student borrowers who have obtained both Direct and PLUS loans. Exit counseling must also review for the student borrower available repayment options, including standard, graduated, extended, income sensitive and income-based repayment plans including a description of the different features of each plan and sample information and total payments under each plan. Exit counseling also explains to the borrower the options to prepay each loan, to pay each loan on a shorter schedule, and to change repayment plans. Exit counseling provides information on the effects of loan consolidation including, at a minimum, the effects of consolidation on total interest to be paid, fees to be paid, and length of repayment: the effects of consolidation on a borrower's underlying loan benefits, including grace periods, loan forgiveness, cancellation, and deferment opportunities; the options of the borrower to prepay the loan and to change repayment plans; and that borrower benefit programs may vary. Exit counseling must include debt-management strategies that are designed to facilitate repayment; describe the likely consequences of default, including adverse credit reports, delinquent debt collection procedures under Federal law, and litigation; provided a general description of the terms and conditions under which a borrower may obtain full or partial forgiveness or discharge of principal and interest, defer repayment of principal or interest, or be granted forbearance on a title IV loan, including forgiveness benefits or discharge benefits available to a FFEL borrower who consolidates his or her loan into the Direct Loan program; and a copy, either in print or by electronic means, of the information the Secretary makes available pursuant to section 485(d) of the HEA. During exit counseling, student loan borrowers are required to provide current information concerning name, address, social security number, references, and driver's license number and State of issuance, as well as the student borrower's expected permanent address, the address of the student borrower's next of kin, and the name and address of the student borrower's expected employer (if known). The school must ensure that this information is provided to the guaranty agency or agencies listed in the student borrower's records within 60 days after the student borrower provides the information. Exit counseling allows the student to review borrower right and responsibilities, provides contact information for the US Department of Education's student loan ombudsman, and tell the borrowers how to access loan status information through and how can be used to obtain general description of the types of tax benefits that may be available to borrowers. If exit counseling is conducted by electronic interactive means, the school must take reasonable steps to ensure that each student borrower receives the counseling materials, and participates in and completes the counseling.  

Borrowers have a right to cancel all or a portion of the loan or loan disbursement and have their proceeds returned to the federal government. VC will send a notice to the borrower no earlier than 30 days before and no later than 30 days after the school credits the students account. The notice will include the method and date by which the borrower must notify the school that he or she wishes to cancel all or a portion of the loan or loan disbursement. All subsidized and unsubsidized loans will be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System, and will be accessible by authorized agencies, lenders, and institutions. Borrowers from another state should contact their state accrediting agency for further information concerning state grant assistance from that state.  

VC does not participate in the Perkins Loan, Hinson-Hazlewood Loan Program, HEAL Loan Program, HELP Loan Program and the CAL Loan Program.

FEDERAL DIRECT PARENT LOAN for UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS (PLUS) - The Direct PLUS loan is a fixed interest loan created by the Federal government to help creditworthy parents pay for their dependent student's education beyond high school. Federal PLUS loans are not restricted to a student's financial need and can help pay for educational expenses up to the cost of attendance minus all other financial assistance. The U.S. Department of Education will perform a standard credit check with a national credit bureau before approving the loan. If approved, the parent is responsible for paying the principal amount of the loan and all interest that accrues from the date of disbursement until the loan is paid in full. Repayment begins within 60 days after the loan is fully disbursed. However, the parent, upon his or her request, can defer payments on a PLUS loan if the student is enrolled at least half-time. The loan amount may not exceed the dependent student's cost of attendance minus other financial aid for the loan period. If the student's parents are determined to have an adverse credit history, the student may still receive a Direct PLUS loan if they obtain an endorser who does not have an adverse credit history. An endorser is someone who agrees to repay the Direct PLUS if the student/parent does not repay the loan. If a student's parents cannot obtain a PLUS loan, the student is allowed to borrow additional unsubsidized Stafford money. The student must be enrolled at least half-time to receive a PLUS loan. To determine a student's eligibility for a PLUS loan, the student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. In addition, a complete financial aid file is required before a PLUS loan will be certified. Interested students must print, fill out, and return a Parent PLUS Request Form along with a PLUS Certification/Authorization form. All PLUS loans will be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System, and will be accessible by authorized agencies, lenders, and institutions.

Borrowers have a right to cancel all or a portion of the loan or loan disbursements and have their proceeds returned to the federal government. VC with send a notice to the student no earlier than 30 days before and no later than 30 days after the school credits the student's account. The notice will include the method and date by which the borrower must notify the school that he or she wishes to cancel all or a portion of the loan or loan disbursement.

ALTERNATIVE LOANS - Numerous lenders offer other types of variable rate educational loans for creditworthy students. Alternative loans are provided without consideration of financial need. These loans are not part of the federal government loan programs--they are credit based and may require a cosigner. Alternative loans are generally more expensive than federal loans and should only be used when all other options have been exhausted. A complete financial aid file is required before VC will certify an alternative loan application. Due to less favorable repayment options, VC will not certify a alternative loan for any student that has Direct loan eligibility. Alternative loans will follow the same disbursement policies as subsidized and unsubsidized loans.

INSTITUTIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS - Applications for institutional, endowed and private scholarships are available at Most institutional scholarships are non-need-based. In order to develop a more scholarly student body and in order to place emphasis on achievement, the VC Scholarship Committee awards scholarships to full-time students in the following categories:

SCHOLASTIC/ENDOWED - Awarded to Students to have exhibited outstanding scholastic ability in high school or equivalent and/or prior college study. First year applicants must have achieved a 3.0 grade point average or its equivalent in high school or equivalent and/or prior college study. For second year consideration, applicants must have earned a 3.0 grade point average in college. The online scholarship application must be completed annually.

LEADERSHIP - Awarded to students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership ability in student government at VC.

FINE ARTS - Awarded to students who have shown outstanding ability in the areas of performing arts (drama/music.)

ATHLETIC/TEAM - Awarded on a competitive basis to students who participate in the following programs: men's baseball, rodeo, women's volleyball, women's fast pitch softball or athletic training.

PRIVATE - Awarded to students based on the criteria established by the donor. Recipients are generally selected by the department who received the scholarship.

PASS-THRU - These scholarships are not awarded by VC but rather by community service organizations, churches, schools, corporations, employers, etc. The scholarship will not be posted to the student's account until VC receives the check from the donor.

TUITION EXEMPTIONS - Exemptions are a type of financial assistance allowing some Texas residents to attend a public college or university in Texas without paying tuition or, in some cases tuition and fees. Some tuition exemptions are need-based. Eligible students should contact the Texas Higher Coordinating Board for more information.


Vernon College is an approved training institution for VA education benefits. The Veterans Affairs Services Office at Vernon College assists eligible veterans and their dependents in obtaining information on educational benefits while attending our institution. The programs under the Department of Veterans Affairs include:

• Chapter 30 - Montgomery GI Bill and 1606 - Montgomery GI Bill® for Selected Reserve

• Chapter 31 - Vocational Rehabilitation Program

• Chapter 33 - Post 9/11 GI Bill®

• Chapter 35 - Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program

Information on education benefits for veterans and dependents is available on the VC Veteran Affiars Services webpage at, including links to the Department of Veterans Services and the Texas Veterans Commission Applications.  


The exemptions under the Hazlewood Act program is available to students who are attending public colleges and universities in the State of Texas. Information is available at as well as from the Vernon College Veterans Services webpage at

The Hazlewood Act provides education benefits to honorably discharged or separated Texas veterans, to eligible dependent children and spouses of certain deceased/disabled Texas veterans. The Hazlewood Legacy Act allows eligible veterans to assign their unused Hazlewood benefits to their child (only one child at a time may use Legacy benefits).

In order to receive any benefits under any of the Hazlewood Act program the student must complete the appropriate form each semester. These are available on the web site mentioned above. The student must create a Hazlewood login on the Hazlewood website and submit a current printout of their record (log hours) of usage. If a dependant is using Hazlewood the veteran must also create a login on the Hazlewood website and copies of records are to be turned in with the students. Documents required, include DD214’s, residency documentation, log hours from both veteran and dependant (if applicable), Hazlewood application and letter of benefits. The required Hazlewood paperwork must be submitted as a complete packet prior to certification. Incomplete packets will not be accepted. Information on Hazlewood benefits and a checklist of required documentation is available at the Vernon College Veterans Services Office web page.

Eligible students must meet the minimum GPA requirements as defined by the Financial Aid policy to be eligible for the Hazlewood Act benefits.

ENROLLMENT STATUS - For most students, the amount of financial aid they will receive is based on his or her enrollment status on the day after the census date, and aid will be adjusted accordingly. Fall I, Spring I, and Summer I enrollments will be determined on the day after census for the Fall, Spring, and /or Summer semesters. For students who are packaged after the census date, the amount of financial aid they will receive is based on his or her enrollment status as of the date they are packaged. For students who complete their file after the semester is complete, aid will be based upon their final enrollment status and will include only courses completed (includes earned F's, in progress and incompletes), and dropped classes or withdraws will not be included in determining enrollment status. Enrollment status will be determined according to the following: Full-time - 12 semester hours or more; Three quarter-time - 9-11 semester hours; Half-time - 6-8 semester hours; Less than half-time 1-5 semester hours. Courses the student enrolls in for the second compressed course (Fall II, Spring II or Summer II) will be excluded from the student's enrollment status until balance checks for the Fall, Spring and/or Summer semester have been disbursed. There is a 30-semester hour limit for remedial coursework for any individual student. Remedial hours attempted beyond the 30-hour limit will not be included in course load for determining enrollment status. Repeated courses will be included in determining course load as long as the repeated course is not the result of more than one repetition of a previously passed course. Courses that do not count toward a student's degree or certificate, with the exception of remedial courses, cannot be included to determine his or her enrollment status. Audit means to attend a course without working for or expecting to receive formal credit; therefore, audit classes cannot be included to determine a student's enrollment status. If the student enrolls in a compressed semester (Fall I or Fall II, Spring I or Spring II, Summer I or Summer II) or in a mini-term that is included as part of a previous semester (December or May mini), the student's final enrollment status for determining grant eligibility that semester is the day after the census date for the semester of the last course taken. If a student drops, withdraws from or adds a class on or before the census date, the student's enrollment status will be adjusted and the student's grant aid recalculated. Recalculations will include both increases and decreases in enrollment up to the census date of the student's last class.

DISBURSEMENT OF FINANCIAL AID - The student's estimated financial aid will be electronically applied toward the student's tuition, fees, and dorm charges. The student may also provide written authorization to charge their books and supplies (purchased through the VC bookstore), minor prior year institutional charges ($200 maximum), or any other institutional educationally related cost to their financial aid account. Students can at any time modify or cancel their written authorization. The cancellation or modification is not retroactive. It will take effect on the date received by the Financial Aid Office. Grant, scholarship and loan balances will be disbursed by the Business Office within 30 days after the beginning of the semester. Grant, scholarship and loan balances for students enrolled in the second compressed semester (Fall II, spring II and Summer II) will be disbursed within 30 days after the beginning of that semester. As per federal regulations, Direct loans are issued to students in multiple disbursements. Generally, this means students will receive equal portions of their loan each semester, except if their loan is only one semester in length. Exact disbursement dates will be posted on the VC Financial Aid webpage. The Business Office disburses balances at least twice monthly. Financial aid balances will be place on the student's Chaparral Card unless the student has designated a different direct deposit account. Students who do not have a Chaparral card or who do not designate a direct deposit account will be mailed a check. Any financial aid will first be applied to the balance due Vernon College before being issued to the student. Students who fail to establish eligibility, don't begin attendance in each class or don't attend their classes through count day, will have their financial assistance reduced or canceled. 

Students employed through the work-study program are paid twice monthly. Time sheets must be submitted on the appropriate dates each month in order to receive a paycheck. Students who fail to submit their time sheet by the designated date, will not receive payment until the following pay period.

SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS - Students who receive federal and/or state funds administered by the Vernon College (VC) Office of Financial Aid, must demonstrate satisfactory academic progress. The VC Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress policy is separate and stricter than VC Admissions and Records academic standards. Coursework attempted and grades earned in semesters forgiven through the state of Texas’ "Academic Fresh Start" program will be included in the satisfactory academic progress calculation. The student’s Financial Aid Transcript that is located in MyVC SAP status, and not the VC academic transcript, is the transcript used for all satisfactory academic progress calculations. The financial aid cumulative GPA and the number of hours attempted and earned could be different than the student’s academic cumulative GPA and number of hours attempted and earned. All periods of enrollment at VC must be counted, including any semester in which the student did not receive financial aid. Students who do not have a VC academic history (first time college enrollment or incoming transfer students) will be assumed to be making satisfactory progress at the time of first enrollment. There are three standards for satisfactory progress: qualitative, quantitative and maximum time frame.

QUALITATIVE The qualitative measure evaluates the quality of academic work using standards measurable against a norm. Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. Grades of A, B, C, D, F and WF contribute toward the GPA. Grades of W, P, I, AU and U do not. All grades, including developmental coursework and repeated courses, are included in the students' GPA. However, pass/fail grades (P/U) are counted in the quantitative measure and are considered the qualitative measure for these courses. Transfer grades are not included in the GPA calculation.

QUANTITATIVE The quantitative measure is the pace of completion required to make sure the student completes within maximum time-frame. Students must have a successful pace of completion rate that is at least sixty-seven (67%) percent of all courses attempted at VC. This includes both developmental and college-level coursework. Successful completion is measured by grades of A, B, C, D, and P. Grades of F, W, WF, U, I, and AU are counted toward the total hours attempted but not successfully completed. Repeated courses are included in the pace of completion calculation. Pace of completion is calculated by dividing the cumulative number of hours the student has successfully completed by the cumulative number of hours the student has attempted. At VC, for financial aid purposes, being enrolled in a course for credit beyond the official census date counts as an attempt. The VC Office of Financial Aid will use standard rounding rules when calculating percentages under the quantitative measurement. Transfer courses are not included in the quantitative measurement.

MAXIMUM TIME-FRAME– Federal regulations specify that the maximum time frame for program completion may not exceed 150 percent (150%) of the published length of the program. Time frame is measured by the number of credit hours attempted. If the student switches degree or certificate programs, VC will not count toward the one hundred fifty (150%) percent maximum time frame the credits attempted in the old major. However, any courses that apply to the new program must be counted. For transfer students, VC will count accepted transfer credits that apply toward the new or current program in the maximum time-frame calculation. Students who exceed the one hundred fifty (150%) percent maximum time frame limit will no longer be eligible for financial aid. Developmental classes do not count toward the one hundred fifty (150%) percent maximum time frame. Credits that have been repeated will be counted toward the one hundred fifty (150%) percent maximum time frame. Once it is determined that it is mathematically impossible for the student to complete his/her program within the maximum time frame, the student immediately becomes ineligible for aid.


FINANCIAL AID WARNING - Students who fail to meet one or more of the satisfactory academic progress standards will be placed on financial aid warning status for their next semester of enrollment. A student on financial aid warning will be eligible to receive financial aid. If the satisfactory academic progress standards are met at the end of the warning semester, the warning status will be removed. If, at the end of the warning status semester the satisfactory academic progress standards are not met, the student will be placed on financial aid suspension. Students cannot appeal a financial aid warning status.

FINANCIAL AID SUSPENSION - Financial aid suspension occurs when the student does not meet the satisfactory academic standards for two consecutive semesters. Students placed on financial aid suspension may continue to enroll at VC but must pay for their coursework and expenses from their own funds. Enrolling and paying for courses as well as successfully completing courses can assist in regaining the student's eligibility. in order to regain eligibility, the student must bring their cumulative GPA up to at least a 2.0 and /or the cumulative successful pace of completion up to at least 67% and remain within the 150% maximum time-frame. When this is accomplished the student will be removed from financial aid suspension and therefore eligible for financial aid.


FINANCIAL AID PROBATION – Students who successfully appeal their financial aid suspension status will be placed on financial aid probation for one semester. Vernon College can require that a student on financial aid probation fulfill specific terms and conditions, such as taking a reduced course load or enrolling in specific courses. A student on financial aid probation may receive financial aid. At the end of that semester, the student must meet Vernon College's satisfactory academic progress standards or the requirements of the established individual academic plan. Failure to do so will result in the student being placed on financial aid suspension.

MONITORING: Students progress will be reviewed at the end of each long semester (December for students enrolled in the Fall, Fall I and/or Fall II semester[s]; May for students enrolled in the Spring, Spring I and/or Spring II semester[s]; and August for students enrolled in the Summer, Summer I and/or Summer II semester[s]). Notification of a student’s satisfactory academic progress status will be posted on MyVC. Students should access MyVC to verify their status.

APPEAL PROCEDURE: Students placed on financial aid suspension due to lack of satisfactory progress may appeal the denial of financial aid due to an unusual or extraordinary situation that affected the student’s progression toward the successful completion of his or her program of study. Examples of unusual circumstances include: injury or illness of the student or family member, death of a relative of the student, maximum time limit exceeded, or other special circumstances. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Financial Aid office and must include supporting documentation to support the appeal. Appeals submitted without supporting documentation will be denied. The appeal must address all semesters that the student failed to make satisfactory academic progress, and explain what has changed in the student's situation that would allow the student to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress at the next evaluation.  An appeal may be approved only if the review committee determines that the student will be able to meet satisfactory academic progress standards after the subsequent semester. The review committee also has the option to have the student develop an academic plan with a student success specialist that, if followed, will ensure that the student is able to meet satisfactory academic standards by a specific point in time. Students, who are appealing the maximum time frame limit, must be meeting the requirements for 67% completion and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in order for this appeal to be approved. In regard to grade changes, Vernon College is only required to include the changed grade in its satisfactory academic progress evaluation that will be performed at the time of the next review. Students who have received a grade change after a satisfactory academic progress evaluation and want to be reevaluated, must submit a satisfactory academic progress appeal. If the appeal is approved, depending on the program and timing, only certain Title IV aid can be paid under certain conditions.  Vernon College must take into account grade changes that both increase the student’s eligibility, and changes that may cause the student to lose Title IV eligibility. Vernon College cannot adjust Title IV aid from a prior award year due to a retroactive grade change. It does not matter what the reasons are for the grade change. The Financial Aid office will notify students in writing of the results within 30 business days after submitting all requested documentation.


  1. What financial assistance is available.
  2. What are the deadlines for submitting applications.
  3. What is the cost of attending and refund policies.
  4. What is the criteria used to select financial aid recipients.
  5. How is financial need determined.
  6. What is the criteria used to determine the amount of a student's award.
  7. What is satisfactory academic progress and how does it affect the student.


  1. Be informed about the institution before you enroll. 
  2. Complete all forms accurately and submit them on time.
  3. Read and understand forms you are asked to sign.
  4. Know and comply with deadlines.
  5. Keep all personal information, such as address, telephone number, name, up to date with the Admission and Financial Aid Offices
  6. Accept responsibility for all agreements you sign.
  7. Maintain good standing and satisfactory academic progress.

INFORMATION DISSEMINATION COORDINATOR:  Colleen Moore, Director of Enrollment Management/Registrar is available, upon reasonable notice, to assist students in obtaining consumer information throughout the normal administrative working hours of Vernon College. Students should contact Jeanne Ballard, Director of Financial Aid, for information on student financial assistance. Their offices are located in the Osborne Administration Building on the Vernon Campus. You may also reach them by phone at (940) 552-6291

vernon college logo

Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. // Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 12 p.m. 
  • Vernon Campus
    4400 College Drive
    Vernon, TX 76384
  • Century City Center
    4105 Maplewood
    Wichita Falls, TX 76308
  • Skills Training Center
    2813 Central Expressway East
    Wichita Falls, TX 76302
1970 marked the beginning of Vernon College. Throughout this decade the College continued to grow and more students enrolled in both on- and off-campus courses. On January 20, 1970, a majority of the citizens of Wilbarger County voted to create the Wilbarger County Junior College District. Following that decision, Vernon Regional Junior College was established and on April 9, 1970, the newly elected Board of Trustees appointed Dr. David L. Norton as the College’s first president. Campus construction began in May 1971, and included an Academic Science Center, Administration-Fine Arts Center, Applied Arts Center, Library, and Student Center. The following year, on September 5, 1972, classes met for the first time on the Vernon campus with a total of 608 students. On August 1, 1974, Dr. Jim M. Williams became the College’s second president. In the fall semester of that year, combined on- and off-campus enrollment exceeded 800 students. During the 1975-76 academic year, the College expanded its services to include a learning center on Sheppard Air Force Base. During this year, enrollment in credit courses, both on- and off-campus, rose to a level of 1,199. The scope of the Vocational Nursing Program was enlarged during the 1976-77 academic year with the assumption of the Bethania School of Vocational Nursing in Wichita Falls. In August 1976 the Physical Education Center was dedicated in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. King longtime benefactors of Vernon College. Growth and changes continued during the 1980s. In August 1980 a Student Residence Center, designed to house 128 students, opened for occupancy. Further expansion of program offerings in the Wichita Falls area was accomplished through absorption of an existing proprietary school that was renamed the Vernon College Technical Center and the integration of the nursing program from the Wichita Falls Independent School District. On March 22, 1982, Dr. Joe Mills took over the leadership of the College as the third president. That fall, the College fielded its first intercollegiate rodeo team. During 1983-84, the Department of Cosmetology and the Career Development Center (previously known as the North Texas Skills Center) were established in Wichita Falls. On the Vernon campus, the Chaparral Center was completed, and the Pease River farm purchased through a state land trade. The following academic year, 1984-85, Vernon College reached a record credit enrollment of 1,863 and a record continuing education enrollment of 7,056 registrations. A Vocational Nursing Program opened in Seymour, and the Board of Trustees established a college foundation and approved an agreement to allow construction of the Red River Valley Museum on the Vernon campus. In February 1987 the College played its first intercollegiate baseball game on the Vernon campus. During May of that year, the new Natatorium was opened in the King Physical Education Center. A newly constructed Athletic Dormitory opened to house 28 athletes in August 1988. In October, Trustees voted to add women’s volleyball as a varsity sport, effective with the fall 1989 semester. In May 1989 Vernon College moved all Wichita Falls programs to one centralized location—Century City Center. Since the College opened its doors 38 years ago, many individuals, corporations, foundations, and organizations have made an investment in our students through the creation of endowed and annual scholarships. As of this year, more than 100 scholarship funds are available to help students pursue their educational dreams.VERNON COLLEGE PHILOSOPHY: Vernon College is a constantly evolving institution, dedicated primarily to effective teaching and regional enhancement. With this dedication to teaching and to the community, the College encourages open inquiry, personal and social responsibility, critical thinking, and life-long learning for students, faculty, and other individuals within its service area. The College takes as its guiding educational principle the proposition that, insofar as available resources permit, instruction should be adapted to student needs. This principle requires both flexibility in instructional strategies and maintenance of high academic standards. Strong programs of assessment and accountability complement this educational principle. VC accepts the charge of providing a college atmosphere free of bias, in which students can exercise initiative and personal judgment, leading to a greater awareness of personal self-worth. It strives to provide every student with opportunities to develop the tools necessary to become a contributing, productive member of society. Vision VERNON COLLEGE VISION: Vernon College will promote a culture of success for our students and communities through learner-centered quality instructional programs and exemplary services. Values VERNON COLLEGE VALUES: Vernon College promotes a culture of success through our shared values and commitment to: Accessibility Accountability Building Relationships Diversity Inclusion Innovation Leadership Quality Student Success Teamwork Our values define who we are and guide us in conducting our business every day. Our values are our morals – what is important to us at our college. Mission VERNON COLLEGE MISSION The mission of Vernon College is teaching, learning, and leading. Vernon College is a comprehensive community college that integrates education with opportunity through our instructional programs and student support services by means of traditional and distance learning modes. Therefore, to fulfill its mission, the College will provide access, within its available resources, to: Career technical/workforce programs up to two years in length leading to associate degrees or certificates; Career technical/workforce programs leading directly to employment in semi-skilled and skilled occupations; Freshman and sophomore courses in arts and sciences, including the curricula leading to associate and baccalaureate degrees; Ongoing adult education programs for occupational upgrading or personal enrichment; Compensatory education programs designed to fulfill the commitment of an admissions policy allowing the enrollment of disadvantaged students; ; A continuing program of counseling and guidance designed to assist students in achieving their individual educational goals; Career technical/workforce development programs designed to meet local and statewide needs; Support services for educational programs and college-related activities; Adult literacy and other basic skills programs for adults; and Other To help prospective and current students, faculty, and staff locate important information about Vernon College, this webpage provides links to helpful information on a variety of government mandated and consumer information. Examples are academic programs, cost of attendance, financial aid, safety and security, and institutional financial reports. Vernon College’s presentation of this information complies with the Higher Education Act, as amended, and implementing regulations.